
Local public timeline

Start thinking should I move everything to AWS, easier for me to manage 😬 (Single cloud provider.)


  • Trace and logs system supports opentelemetry without need of extra collector
  • Cloud run is simpler than AWS Lambda when using container format
  • Free error reporting tools!
  • No discount for shared cpu cloud SQL instance (so min price for this is $8 per month) 🥲
  • A bit extra for egress because I use Cloudfront CDN


  • Needs ADOT for opentelemetry
  • To use container with AWS Lambda, needs special image
  • Cloudwatch is way more basic than GCP Observability
  • RDS Discount for shared CPU instance (this can push the cost down to $5 per month!)
  • Single place to manage all my side projects
  • No egress cost for CDN

Time to shutting down my old database!

Somehow I can't push my status to

1 second timeout is it too low 🤔

✅ Moved database to PG! (with CloudSQL)

Soon moving out of Firebase

✅ Fixed schema for Postgres ✅ Export Firestore ➡️ Local Postgres ✅ CloudSQL Postgres instance is created and ready! 🚧 Moving to CloudSQL

Second time moving data out of Firestore after a lot of schema issue. Hopefully no issue this time 🤞

😱 It's going to snow!

🤔 Looks like when I use iPhone mirroring while tethering, the tethering will disconnect and switch to mirroring only. The tethering can connect back manually just a bit annoying.

We’re back to the dark rainy day 🥲

See vnsee for remarkable and thought it's easy to run vnc server inside it but didn't realised it's only for older firmware version 🥲

The easy project is not easy anymore. 🥲

MTB route here looks easier than in Chesnut route in Singapore 🤔…

Interesting, some part of highway A50 here is on A12. I thought I see the wrong sign when cycling down on the road next to Veluwezoom

Bennekom to Deventer and back

My ride map around new place starts to get more lines like Amsterdam area. Most of it are going to the north from Bennekom. Going south is tricky because I have to cross two rivers! (Nederrijn and Waal) and not so many crossing points or need to take a bit of detour. Still thinking to ride to Den Bosch, it just riding back on the train is quite long (No direct train from Den Bosch to Ede) 😕

Alway has a bad 5g connection at Driebergen-zeist station 🫤

til; usb wireless receiver for Logitech MX Ergo S Trackball doesn't work with the old Logitech MX Ergo trackball 🫠

🤔 Google translate the content of website when search in local language now!?

Really like the Logi Ergo trackball but would be better if it can pair up to 3 devices. 🥲

It supports only 2 devices and I use 1 for the USB stick that uses with KVM and shares with 2 machines, but still want it to be able to pair to single machine individual via Bluetooth too.…

Yep and people here think they’re better than American.

Why does all the keyboards use the same wireless dongle 🥲 It should have standard share across keyboards brand already.

I'm still not use to ISO layout with big enter key 🥲

Mistral small can't count 10,000 in Thai yet. 🥲

Looking for TKL keyboard because I'm very annoy with the pgdn, pgup keys next to the enter and arrow and Cherry just released this one… but I can't find it available anywhere 🫠

Deepseek max out my GPU now 🥲

🥲 Next week is really meeting pack

Section 31!…

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