Summer netherlands เหมือนจะจบแล้ว กลับมาฝนตกลมแรงแล้ว 🥲
Another Amsterdam morning from the office yesterday
Adjust few things for my ActivityPub server
GoPro 13!…
The question is, is it still over heat 🤔
🤩 Upgrade version of GoPro pass through door!
Just start using qstash, they upstash starts breaking their library 🫠
Looks like QStash queue, if you set parallels limit, it can block the enqueue request 😕
I thought the task will just stay in the queue until the number of endpoints call are getting free and not blocking the enqueue operation!
Interesting, try to extend class that the code is live in different file in Next.JS cause ReferenceError
// in parent.ts
export class Parent {}
and in child
// in child.ts
import { Parent } from './parent.ts'
export class Child extends Parent {}
Switch my inbox endpoints to use queue with QStash, it's working fine so far, probably I should try GCP Cloud Run task too, but it's more complicate than QStash.
Another alternative is Quirrel but doesn't seem to be active maintenance anymore after acquisition. 🥲
House bidding got accepted, hopefully this thing can close in this year.
Buying a house here can't just have a money but also luck.
The price shows in the listing website is not a selling price but base price for bidding and it can go over +100k from asking price. Mortgage will cover only apraiser price, if overbid too much, have to use your own cash.
Also, even you bid higher but have financial cause, the seller might choose the lower one too. 🥲…
Somehow this works fine for me at 60Hz 🤔
Just open my old MacBook Pro. It was 8 months since I turn it on and it still have battery left (but barely.)
I should reformat and sell it for a long time but too lazy. 😅
This is new from Strava Time to try ffmpeg
in Cloud Run!
Thinking to store my ride video on my own storage but 20GB per video 🥲
The CDN cost alone will be explode.
Instead of storing video locally, maybe just make an option when uploading video and upload it to Youtube directly? 🤔…
Another video test. So, with 100MB. Longest video I can upload from iPhone camera 4K is ~10 seconds 🥲
Maybe, I just need to use bunny stream 🤔
Amsterdam timelapse from the office B&W
So, video from iPhone is in .mov
which is video/quicktime
format can't show in Chrome. However, if I just rename it to .mp4
and change the content type to video/mp4
, Chrome is happy to show it. 🤔
til; in NextJS…
and the bug from it… which routeChangeComplete
sometime doesn't fire when pushing a new route. 🥲
Time to add pagination to my ride videos page 🤔
Thing I don't like about the house here, "Staircase"!
I don't know how old people climb up and down the stair here. The slope is very steep.
Test mixed video and photo
Amsterdam from the office last week
til; Mastodon doesn't support post that has both photos and videos. 🥲
🥲 S3 presigned post some how doesn't work.
NS first class with Brompton. Have to pay a bit for upgrade but a lot bigger space and less people.
The best way to get the spare POC helmet pad is, email to the support email 😅
Free spare pad deliver to you!